My PhotoStory was at the Albany Carousel, primarily focusing on the stages of the carving process and how they create the animals that go onto the carousel. This is a long process that can take anywhere from 5 to 12 years to create a single animal. Since the Carousel project started in 2002 but carving started in June of 2003, they have put over 40 animals onto the carousel and it is still not filled up at this point. They have about a dozen carving projects that they are still working on down in the basement and they have two pieces that are finished and are planned to go onto the carousel this year. Each of the pieces have their own story regarding why they are on the carousel because all the pieces are sponsored by people or groups within the community. The out-most row costs $10,000, middle row is $7,500, and the inside row costs $5,000 per piece commissioned. How they start the process of creating the pieces is that they sit down with the person sponsoring the piece and...